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Optical Complex Spectrum Analyzer

High resolution optical Spectral and Temporal intensity and phase measurement

An High Resolution Optical Spectrum Analyzer & a 3 THz Bandwidth Optical Modulation Analyzer in a cost effective equipment !


Optical Complex Spectrum Analyzer

fs temporal Resolution

MHz Optical bandwidth resolution

  • 3 THz bandwidth
  • No repetition rate upper limitation
  • Measurement time : 1 sec / 6 nm


APEX Technologies Optical Complex Spectrum Analyzers are high resolution Optical Spectrum Analyzers with the added benefit of measuring the optical phase as a function of frequency. With the spectral power and the spectral phase information, it is possible by inverse Fourrier transform to calculate and display time domain parameters like an Optical Modulation Analyzer.

Use it as an ultra high performances Optical Spectrum Analyzer !

With up to 500 times better spectral resolution than the best standard grating-based Optical Spectrum Analyzer on the market, the integrated Optical Spectrum Analyzer can display your signal real spectrum shape and not only its envelope.

Optical Spectrum Analyzer key features:
– From 250 GHz to 20 MHz resolution
– ± 3 pm wavelength accuracy
– Close-in dynamic range > 60 dB @ ± 3pm
– Rectangular shape resolution filters
– 2 channels; one per polarization axis
– Built-in tunable laser source
– Component transmission analysis

Use it as an ultra high performances Optical Modulation Analyzer !

With up to 50 times better banwidth than the best temporal Optical Modulation on the market, the integrated Optical Modulation Analyzer can measure any actual and future Symbol rate signal with much more details than all its competitors.

Optical Modulation Analyzer key features:
– No Symbol rate limitation (3 THz Optical Bandwidth)
– Capacity of measuring any modulation format without any special software requirement
– Ultra high temporal resolution (down to 325 fs)
– Polarization diversity
– Phase, Chirp, Alpha parameter, intensity vs time, constellation, Phase eye diagram, intensity eye diagram, …

Optical Complex Spectrum Analyzer Software

Now able to do PRBS patterns analysis !

APEX Technologies Optical Complex Spectrum Analyzers offer this feature for a range of repetitive patterns, depending on the symbol rate of the signal under test.

The equipment has no Baud rate upper limitation and it can measure any modulation format.

Complex measurement setup

As mentioned, a complex measurement needs not only the intensity but also the phase as a function of frequency. To measure the phase, the signal under test must be a repetitive signal with a pattern frequency between 70 MHz to 900 MHz. Commercially available PPG and AWG are able to generate the right pattern length to match this pattern frequency range for any signal-rate. A reference RF pattern clock repetition signal is also required. Manually, the user can plug an external clock to the equipment. To simplify the setup, a new optical clock recovery function is available, it allows to do complex measurement without reference clock signal.

Tools and documentation

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New wavelengths available between 1030 nm and 1630 nm

1064 ± 20 nm, 1200 ± 50 nm, O-band, E-band, S-band, and C+L bands are now availble.
Contact us for any other specific range between 700 nm and 2µm.

Discover the optical spectrum of your signal with the world highest bandwidth resolution 5MHz/40 fm.

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